Breaking News 2015
Monday, December 26, 2016 4:44 PM
Update for August 2015
We will be auditing our charts for some insurance companies to be sure everyone is up to date on preventive health care issues ( mammograms, colonoscopy, labs, etc ) but if you’ve had a Complete Physical in the last year you should be ok. If you’ve not yet had a physical, we highly recommend yearly wellness visits for your safety. Most insurance companies have discovered the importance of yearly wellness exams, but not all cover them just yet which we admit is odd. Covered or not it is still a good idea. A few insurance companies know just how important physicals are and if a significant percentage of people meet their screening requirements will actually share the savings with the employer which reduces your rates. Screening for disease and catching it early makes sense, saves money and more importantly it saves lives.
Diabetes news:
An entire category of diabetic medication called DPP-4 inhibitors may be associated with joint pains. The FDA released the warning on these medications including: Januvia, Onglyza, Tradjenta and Nesina. This will be a new warning on the labels of these medications. There are also concerns about potential for pancreatitis with DPP-4 medications, and Onglyza can be additionally associated with risk of heart failure. Please do not stop any medication that may be offering more benefit than harm for you, but if you are having any concerning symptoms please do let us know so we can take proper precautions.
As with most diabetic medications, there will be side effects and consequences. Untreated and uncontrolled diabetes is the greater danger, and managing a healthy diet and active lifestyle with plenty of exercise is still the best option for curing diabetes. Unfortunately there are times where it is medically necessary to use medication to get your glucose down.
In other news:
Studies in Denmark uncovered a link between antibiotic use and diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes. They found a link between narrow-spectrum antibiotics, for instance 2-5 courses of quinolone antibiotic increased risk of diabetes by 15%, while more than 5 courses increased risk by 37%.
It’s not known if diabetes itself is the cause, since diabetes is associated with a less effective immune system and more illness, or did the antibiotics cause changes in gut bacteria or insulin resistance causing the diabetes? Right now it’s not clear, there is only a link, but no cause and effect was found directly.
What does it mean for the meantime? Only use antibiotics when absolutely indicated and necessary. Chest colds and allergies do not require antibiotic treatment.