Insomnia is frustrating, here's options
Sunday, July 15, 2018 3:14 PM
Insomnia is difficult to manage, and most people are frustrated that the answer is not in a pill. In fact, studies show 1 in 3 people experience insomnia at some time, and 1 in 10 take medication to help with sleep. Problem is that a study looking at about 10,000 adults prescribed sleeping pills over 2.5 years showed that individuals who had prescriptions for sleeping pills had a 4.6 fold increase in risk of death over those 2.5 years compared to those not prescribed pills. Patients who were prescribed between 1 to 18 doses per year had more than 3-fold increase in risk of death compared with controls.
Most recent studies show a half million excess deaths per year in the U.S could be associated with the use of sleeping pills.
This is why we are hesitant to use them, and try to coach sleep hygeine as a better method. We try to taper sleeping pills down but without working on sleep hygeine or trying therapy to fix the issue, it’s not going away.
Try something more proven to fix insomnia, it’s called Cognitive Behavorial Therapy. Here’s a link to a great program provided by the VA for insomnia, and they have a Phone App
just for this purpose to help coach you. Working with a psychologist trained in CBT can provide more help than any pill if you need more help.