Losartan Recall Continues...
Tuesday, April 23, 2019 5:01 AM
FDA continues to recall drugs containing losartan.
This is not a problem with Losartan itself, but with a change in the manufacturing process that leavs behind impurities, NMBA or NDEA, that can cause cancer.
I suspect it’s the companies taking shortcuts or cost savings, but I do not have the full details.
A list of products currently included in the latest FDA recall is available at the FDA website:
Please visit the website or contact you pharmacy to be sure. We do not know what manufacturer or lot number you have, this is all done by your pharmacy and they are responsible. Again, the problem is not the drug written, but with errors made by the manufacturer and the pharmacy that purchased the tainted medications. This will certainly cause shortages of good losartan, and other similar medications due to demand shifting. We will work with you to change your medication if your pharmacy is unable to find a proper solution for you.