Corona Virus Information
Thursday, March 5, 2020 5:03 PM
Corona Virus is here. Unfortunately efforts to contain the spread of the virus were not adequate.
You’ll be reading a lot about this in the news, but we wanted you to have access to medical resources as well.
The answer to the most frequent questions we’re getting:
Yes, it’s a serious flu-like illness but can cause severe sore throat, headaches, respiratory failure and stomach symptoms like diarrhea and abdominal cramping.
Yes, it has a higher mortality than the flu. The average is between 3-4 percent right now, and that is a lot. It’s going to spread a lot more unfortunately.
We don’t know where to get masks right now, every supplier is out and the entire world is looking for them.
Handwashing is very important, 20-30 seconds of thorough soap and water with hand sanitizer as backup.
Links to information provided, and the information is changing hourly so hopefully these links stay relavent.
If you have flu like symptoms and have not been exposed to persons with known corona virus and have not travelled to any high risk countries ( Iran, China, Italy, South Korea) then we can see you as always and test for Influenza A and B, bronchitis, and traditional infections. These can still be treated, however if tests are negative and there is high suspicion for Corona Virus, we’ll contact the TN Department of Health for guidance on where to collect test.
There is no treatment or cure at this time, and there is no vaccine, it’s supportive care at best. If difficulty breathing then the hospital is going to be the best option for oxygen if needed.
We do not have access to any testing for Corona Virus yet. Many laboratories are working on finalizing testing and internal validations which then require FDA approval.
Links to information provided, and the information is changing hourly so hopefully these links stay relavent.
Links below for TN Department of Health and CDC’s website for up-to-date information.
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