Corona Virus Update
Sunday, March 15, 2020 6:26 AM
If you think you have Corona Virus, the safest thing to do is STAY HOME and isolate yourself. Supportive care is all that is available. There is no treatment. Motrin, tylenol, Mucinex DM are over the counter. Lozenges may may with cough.
The symptoms are primarily Fever, Dry Cough, and Shortness of Breath. You do not have to come in for testing as that would put more people at risk. The symptoms may last 2+ weeks with intermittent fevers, and you can spread the virus for +/- 3 weeks so isolation is important to prevent the spread.
If you have cold symptoms please call the clinic first so we can help and triage what the best option is for your care.
If you develop worsening shortness of breath this is the time to go to the Hospital for care. Until there is a treatment, unfortunately there is not much else to do.
Below are directions for stopping the spread, and treatment. There are handouts on the Resources link.
This will likely peak in the next 3 weeks, and the vast majority of thost that will get the virus will happen in the next 3 months in theory, so hang in there!