Just wear a mask, Please.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 7:24 PM
Wearing a mask reduces the spread of viruses, including COVID-19. This is not political or fake news, it proven and if you think about it you’ll realize it’s just common sense.
It’s also what we’ve seen personally in the clinic and caring for people with COVID-19.
Here’s a nice article summarizing the facts, and why we require a mask in the clinic. You should wear a mask in public places indoors, and in groups of people.
Please think of others when you go out, the mask helps protect people around you the most and can save lives.
Just because businesses are opening doesn’t mean the pandemic is over, in fact it never went away and continues to climb. We’re seeing more cases in the last month than during the first 3 months together.
Article from The Royal Society
Springfield-Greene County Health Department