RSV Vaccine Information
Sunday, January 14, 2024 8:04 PM
RSV update.
We’re getting questions about RSV vaccines. It’s recommended that adults over age 60 may receive a single vaccine by the CDC,ACIP, AAFP.
You can take either RSV vaccine with your other vaccines at the same time.
Mostly for higher risk folks with diabetes, chronic heart or lung conditions or immunocompromised.
There is no great evidence for or against it, the studies that allowed it to be approved are very poor and took place during the pandemic shutdown.
It may cause Pain at injection site (61%) Fatigue (34%), headache (27%) Arthralgia (18%), myalgia (29%)
Redness at injection site (8%), swelling at injection site (6%) . 20 people experienced atrial fibrillation and six developed neurological complications,
including encephalomyelitis and Guillain-Barre syndrome
It may reduce risk of getting RSV, which for adults is a case of bronchitis, but no proof of reduced hospitalizations. So it's probably ok to get if you would like, but there is not great evidence to recommend it.